Δευτέρα 11 Μαΐου 2009
Pos na kanete activate to voice mail.
Sto iphone epilekste phone-> Keypad-> grapste: *5005*86*123# patiste call
To 123 einai o kodikos tis cyta gia to phonokivotio. Den kserw gia thn mtn h alles etairies. Autos o kodikos isxiei gia oles tis xwres me monh diafora to 123 o opoios einai o kodikos pou yparxei prin ton arithmo tou fwnitikou kibotiou. 12399XXXXXX
Σάββατο 9 Μαΐου 2009
Pos na valete to logo ths cyta sto iphone???
etsi tha dixnei to status bar meta...
Sto cydia epilekste: manage-> sources -> edit -> add-> kai kataxoriste to eksis:
meta kante search sto cydia gia to :
Carrier: Cyprus logos.
kante install. Meta to install kante restart to kinhto sas kai tha exete to logo ths cyta h ths mtn sto iphone sas.
Episis kati allo pou exw dokimasei kai pistevw einai arketa xrisimo einai to five row opou fainete pio katw. An kapios thelei na mathei perissotera parakalw na stilei email.
Παρασκευή 20 Μαρτίου 2009
Install installous
Restart cydia->sources->hackulo.us->Installous->install->return to cydia
Open installous-> search -> scroll down to the page and select the version you want-> download it and then install it
Πέμπτη 12 Μαρτίου 2009
How to put ringtones to your iphone!
Katarxin h apple anagnwrizei ws ringtones ta files pou einai .m4r
an exete appstore account kai " katevasete" apo to itunes merika ringtones tha dite pws ta files exoun auth thn "kataliksi".
Arxika " katevazoume" to file : http://rapidshare.com/files/208522547/techloggcom-toneshop-build26-i386-win32.rar kai to kanoume extract.
Kanoume setup to software kai meta akolouthoume tis pio katw odigies:
1.anoigoume to programma kai epilegoume Apple iphone m4r opws fainete pio kato:
2. epilegoume to mp3 pou theloume na "kopsoume" kai meta epilegoume to pou theloume na o filaksoume. Protimiste na dhmiourgisete ena folder sto My Music sas me to onoma
"Ringtones" gia na efkolinthite sta epomena stadia.
3. meta mporite na kopsete to mp3 gia 30 seconds. Afto einai to orio twn .m4r pou mporite na filaksete. an thelete mhn arxisete na kovete apo thn arxh, kopste to refren h opio allo kommati tou tragoudiou epithimite.
start= arxizei h egrafh
stop= telos tou komatiou (ringtone)
Meta epilekste convert.
4. Dedomenou oti filaksate to ringtone sto folder Ringtones, anikste to itunes kai epilekste File-> Add folder to Library, kai epilekste to Ringtones.
5. Enwste to iphone sas sto pc sas.
6. Stis epiloges tou device- iphone / ringtones epilexte sync all ringtones
7. Kante sync.
8. The end.
Σάββατο 7 Μαρτίου 2009
Το λεξικό του iPhone με απλά λόγια
an den iste melos. Prepei na ginete.
Tips and Tricks
extra: me to app boss tools mporeite na apeleutherosete thn mnimi tou kinitou sas gia ta apps.
Upgrade to 2.2.x finaly
Tha grafw greeklish giati varkoume.
Odigies gia na kanete anavathmisi to iphone sas se firmware 2.2.
1. Arxika kanete backup osa arxeia xriazeste gia asfalia. An gnorizete pws, skip to step 3
2. Enwste to iphone sas sto pc mesw tou kalodiou USB. Anoikste to itunes kai kanete sync me tis epiloges Calendars, contacts kai Email.
3. Katevaste to file http://rapidshare.com/files/206640608/iphone_Cyprus.rar gia na vrite mesa ola osa xriazontai gia na kanete to upgrade.
4. Yparxei akoma ena file pou onomazete :
2.2: iPhone1,1_2.2_5G77_Restore.ipsw gia to 2G
(2.2 3G: iPhone1,2_2.2_5G77_Restore.ipsw gia to 3G) .
Vreste to sto net (ex: http://iphone.unlock.no/ ) epidi den mporoume emeis na sass to anevasoume sto net. An exete provlima na to vrite epikoinoniste mazi mas sto blog h mesw tou facebook ( group tou blog mas iphonecyprus).
5. The files where found in the net and we just give the link to them.
6. Afou katevasete to file fila3te ta files sto PC sas
7. Afaireste tin SIM apo to kinhto sas.
8. Anoikste to itunes kai stis epiloges tou itunes (patontas to shift ) epile3te to restore. Tha sas zhththei na kanete browse ena file pou einai to: iPhone1,1_2.2_5G77_Restore. H diadikasia tha diarkesei peripou 7 min.
9. Epomeno stadio einai na anoiksete to programma quickpwn pou vriskete sto folder pou katevasete. Otan to anoiksete akolouthiste tis odigies pou anaferontai. Episis pali otan sas zhththei kai pali to restore file einai to idio me prin (iPhone1,1_2.2_5G77_Restore).
10. Kanete tis odigies pou sas anagrafontai sto programma akrivos.
11. Otan teliosei kai to quickpwn tha ginei restart to iphone.
12. An thelete na epenaferete to iphone sthn prohgoumenh katastash dhladh me ola ta contacts kai ta calendas kai tis photos sas otan anoiksete to iphone(meta to restart) kante restore phone to previous version. Tha exete ta contacts , sms , photos , calendar kai emails sto neo 2.2 alla oxi ta app sas.
13. Have fun with your new iphone 2.2
It works both with 2G & 3G
**We do not want to interact with any possible claims by apple or any other company that has profit of the iphone device. We just give the info that we found on the net and that we have tested it for the ability of them. **
pws na lisete to provlima tou (96x) xxx-xx sto iphone
->Region Format
-> epilekste Zimbanwe. ( en to teleutaio sthn lista)
oi tpt allo alla katantisan enixlitika gia kapious ta ()- ktl.
Παρασκευή 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2009
Upgrade to 2.2.0 ?????
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